Tell us what you thought of each short What did you think of "Yeah The Boys"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "Mary"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "Lea Tup'anga/Mother Tongue"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "The Choice To Love"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "Yargh"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "Pinch"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "Forever Yours"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "Lurrpunga"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "Datsun"? * Awesome! Good Meh... What did you think of "Favourites"? * Awesome! Good Meh... Where ya from? How old are ya? What's ya gender? Female Male Non-binary Prefer not to say >CLICK HERE<for you free SOONER movie streaming subscription * This is an anonymous survey.